Rejoice Already

This Third Sunday in Advent is traditionally known as Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is a Latin word meaning “Rejoice!” It’s a reminder that Christ’s birth is getting nearer and that we Christians should always be a people of joy.

Some people might object to this invitation to rejoice in the middle of Advent. They may say Christmas is still weeks away. They may also say that the second coming of Christ hasn’t happened yet either. Do we need to rejoice yet?

The truth is that God is so faithful and loving that we can start rejoicing even before his promises are fulfilled. A couple who are planning to get married don’t wait until their wedding day to feel joyful. Similarly, someone who is successful in a job interview doesn’t start feeling happy only on the day when he or she begins work.

God has already promised us the fullness of salvation and God never fails to keep his promises.

In today’s gospel John the Baptist sends Jesus a question. He wants to know if he really is the Christ, if he really is the Messiah everyone had been waiting for. Jesus assures him that he is and says, “Happy is the man who does not lose faith in me.” 

Surely a reason to rejoice now and, if we have faith, a reason to rejoice in Christ’s love every day.

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